Journal Archives
The Journal of Consumer Education
1997 Issue, Volume 15
Vicki R. Fitzsimmons, University of Illinois
1997 Editorial Board
Connie Armstrong, Southern Illinois University
Maria Canabal, Illinois State University
Karen Chan, Illinois Cooperative Extension Service
Maxine Kimmel, Illinois Cooperative Extension Service
Susan Thurow Miller, Downers Grove North High School
Aimee Prawitz, Northern Illinois University
Mary E. Pritchard (Editorial Adviser), Northern Illinois University
Les Dlabay (Business Manager), Lake Forest College
Gambling: A Topic for Consumer Education
Carole J. Makela and Suzanne M. Tucker -
Teens and Catalogs: Evaluations, Behavior, and Education
Linda D. Simpson and Sara Douglas -
Credit Cards That Offer Rebates and Rewards: Issues for Credit Revolvers and Non-Revolvers
Robert N. Mayer -
College Students and Credit Cards: Do Attitudes Affect Behavior?
Jing J. Xiao, Franziska E. Noring and Joan Gray Anderson -
Assessment of Consumers' Knowledge of Selected Laws and Regulations
M. J. Alhabeeb, Sheila Mammen and Steve Gary -
Exercising Consumer Rights Through The Use of The Auto Safety Hotline
Aimee D. Prawitz, Frances C. Lawrence, Vicky V. Tiller -
Problems, Complaint Action, and Resolution of Problems in a Managed Care Health Benefits Plan: Implications for Consumer Education
Jane Kolodinsky and David Conner -
Use of Alternative Financial Services by the Poor
Joan K.oonce Lewis, Roger Swagler, and John Burton